1、 触发器
create trigger tr_student
on student--对于哪一个表instead of delete--替换掉delete语句asinsert into student values (16,'成龙','男','三班',1003,1103,1113)godelete from student where xcode=4
alter table student disable trigger all
create trigger sd
on renfor deleteas insert into ren values('成龙',78,'男',null,1004)godelete from ren where code=4 --不能是主键select*from ren
alter trigger t
on scoreinstead of deleteasdeclare @code intselect @code= fcode from deletedupdate student set name='刘德华'where xcode=@codegodelete from score where fcode=15
alter view shitu
asselect cangku.ccode,cname,cprice ,cshu,gongying.gname from cangku join gongying on cangku.cgcode=gongying.gcodego--调用视图select*from shitu
create table gongying
(gcode int identity(1001,1) primary key,gname varchar(50),gtel varchar(50))gocreate table cangku(ccode int primary key,cname varchar(50),cprice decimal(18,2),cshu int,cgcode int)gocreate table piao(pcode int identity(100000001,1),pname varchar(50),pprice decimal(18,2),pshu int,pzong decimal(18,2))goinsert into gongying values ('海尔','13271501479')
insert into gongying values ('格力','15011701234')insert into gongying values ('联想','13021096234')insert into gongying values ('通用','13021981234')insert into gongying values ('TCL','13021734234')insert into gongying values ('IBM','13021701256')insert into cangku values (1,'电冰箱',2100,30,1001)
insert into cangku values (2,'电冰箱',2200,30,1002)insert into cangku values (3,'笔记本',4100,45,1003)insert into cangku values (4,'电视机',3290,37,1001)insert into cangku values (5,'汽车',432100,20,1005)insert into cangku values (6,'通用电气',43160,54,1004)insert into cangku values (7,'电脑芯片',800,130,1006)insert into cangku values (8,'电脑主机',1150,89,1006)insert into cangku values (9,'空调',2470,65,1002)insert into cangku values (10,'洗衣机',1598,52,1001)insert into cangku values (11,'手机',4899,80,1003)insert into cangku values (12,'充电器',59,49,1003)--在存储过程中给已建好的表格插入数据
--超市进出货存储过程alter proc huo@code int,@name varchar(50),@price decimal(18,2),@shu int,@gcode intasdeclare @count intselect @count=COUNT(*)from cangku where ccode=@codeif @count=1 begin if @shu>=0--进货 begin update cangku set cshu=@shu+cshu where ccode=@code end else--出货 begin declare @cshu int select @cshu=cshu from cangku where ccode=@code if @shu+@cshu>=0 begin print '货物充足' update cangku set cshu=@shu+cshu where ccode=@code insert into piao values(@name,@price,abs(@shu),ABS(@price*@shu)) end else begin print '货物不足,及时补充' end end endelse begin if @shu>=0 begin update cangku set cshu=@shu where ccode=@code end else begin print '没有货物' end end goexec huo 2,'电冰箱',2200,50,1002exec huo 2,'电冰箱',2200,-30,1002exec huo 3,'笔记本',4100,-30,1003select*from gongying
select*from cangkuselect*from piao